A little more personal

Here you’ll find my posts that won’t directly relate to web development or anything that I do professionally. Instead these are thoughts or things that are a little more random, a little less edited,

a little more personal.

  • leaddev.com

    I stumbled upon a few videos on Youtube from LeadDev today (thanks algorithm!). And I’ve been on a bender the whole day. The channel has really great talks on engineering management and technical leadership. Here are a few of my favourites that I’ve watched.

  • What I plan on learning in 2024

    I am a huge advocate for learning. It is my number one value when it comes to life. So it is only natural that I have some learning goals for 2024. There are 4 main things that I want to learn deeper in 2024. Before that though I want to share my learning process. How…

  • Ramen and Omurice

    I love watching videos of world class chefs working in their restaurants, it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Recently I watched two videos, one about a ramen shop, Ginza Hachigou, the other about an omurice (egg served on top of fried rice) restaurant, Kichi kichi omurice. Both restaurants are extremely popular with…

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