The most underrated tool for career growth is a personal website. I’m creating a course to teach you how to build one in 10 days. Join the waitlist.




    I stumbled upon a few videos on Youtube from LeadDev today (thanks algorithm!). And I’ve been on a bender the whole day. The channel has really great talks on engineering management and technical leadership. Here are a few of my favourites that I’ve watched.

  • I am a huge advocate for learning. It is my number one value when it comes to life. So it is only natural that I have some learning goals for 2024. There are 4 main things that I want to learn deeper in 2024. Before that though I want to share my learning process. How…

  • During my career as a web developer, I’ve noticed that a lot of the job is coding. But a lot of it isn’t either. As much as I would love to sit at my computer building out features from fully thought out ideas, beautifully designed for every situation then sent to the test team to…

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