A good website is remarkably simple to create but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Here are the attributes of a good website:
- It has a goal. Every page added to the site is in support of that goal.
- It’s fast, care is taken to ensure that the website runs as fast as possible. Faster websites reduce stress on servers, a user’s device and bandwidth
- It’s accessible. Creating a website that can be used by everyone is the right thing to do. It will also increase your potential user base. An inaccessible site excludes a good portion of the population by default. We want to make sure our products and services reach everyone.
- Is easy to use. Complicated and flashy site is great for award shows but the novelty will quickly where off if the user can’t do what they want to do on the site.
It’s easy to say but each of these topics alone require a breadth of expertise, craft and care to do well. I’ll be digging into each of these attributes over the coming days and weeks.