The most underrated tool for career growth is a personal website. I’m creating a course to teach you how to build one in 10 days. Join the waitlist.

Website platforms pros and cons: Webflow

Webflow is a drag and drop website builder with a little bit of coding abilities built in. It sits in between WordPress and Squarespace. You can get a little bit more control but it also takes a bit more effort to build. It does have some nice built in integrations with other services (like Hubspot, typeform etc) and the cost is comparable to Squarespace.


  • It’s very flexible visually, if you know what you are doing, you can create a nice impactful site
  • A lot of web designers have upskilled, so it’s easier to find someone that can both design and build it for you


  • Takes time to learn. It’s not as easy as Squarespace or basic WordPress. You need some knowledge of web development to get the most out of it
  • Not as flexible as WordPress but more flexible than Squarespace
  • Can get expensive at scale. Plans are based on usage

Webflow is a good platform for landing pages or simple brochure style website with not many changes. It’s also a good choice if you have an inhouse design team that wants to upskill. A lot of amazing websites are built on Webflow but costs can go up as you grow and scale.

Tomorrow I’ll talk about one of the most customisable option but also requires the most upfront investment: Headless

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