The most underrated tool for career growth is a personal website. I’m creating a course to teach you how to build one in 10 days. Join the waitlist.

The Jobs to be done

‘Jobs to be done’ is a technique that can help you create a more user focused experience. It involves asking one question.

‘For any one particular individual visiting my website, what are the jobs to be done?’.

For example, if you are running a not for profit advocating for more homeless housing and someone visits your website, what are the things they are trying to do? It might be:

Finding out where the nearest shelter is
Getting information on how your organisation helps the homeless
Donating and making a contribution to the cause
These are the ‘Jobs to be done’.

(These are your assumptions at the moment and assumptions should be validated. There’s a very simple way to validate these kinds of assumptions but that’s for another day.)

Once you know what people are trying to do, you can work backwards and design a journey that helps them get there.

Keep in mind that the only way this works is if you focus on what the user wants to do, not what you want them to do.

Want tips, tricks and thoughts on how to make better websites?