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My three favourite talks from Config 2024

I was sick for a couple of days last week. So I tended to my illness by watching a bunch of talks from Config 2024 under the safety of my blanket. A lot of good talks but here are my favourites:

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This is my favourite talk, not because I think all developers should know the basics of design (which I do). But because it’s also about prototyping and getting feedback for your work early. Working in a vaccuum for too long is one of the easiest ways to build something that misses the mark.

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A super fun talk about building software using techniques and inspiration from other fields, game design in this case. !Boring creates some beautiful apps and this talk shows us why.

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This one is just fun, entertaining and extremely interesting. I don’t plan on ever creating any typefaces but I was engaged all through the talk by Marcin’s passion for the history, significance and versatility of pixel fonts.

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