The most underrated tool for career growth is a personal website. I’m creating a course to teach you how to build one in 10 days. Join the waitlist.

A simple way to validate your assumptions

As mentioned in yesterdays email about ‘Jobs to be done”, until validated, an idea is just an assumption. Validating assumptions iswhy we do user research. We need to know if the things we do are useful to our target audience. While user research can be a detailed and involved process but there is a very quick and simple way to do it.

Talk to people you know.

You don’t need to recruit the perfect match of your target audience. You can start by asking someone you know that has one or two traits. It can be a friend, family member or that co-worker that you never talk to. If there’s even a small chance that the person will use your website then their feedback is valuable.

Getting a little bit of insight is infinitely better than having none.

Want tips, tricks and thoughts on how to make better websites?